Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Gesellschaft
The Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft was established in Hanover in the spring of 1966. It set out to deepen the knowledge about the oeuvre and the work of Leibniz and, like him, to cultivate connections between scientific disciplines and spread his thoughts to a wider audience. The society has about 400 members in Germany and abroad. It has close working relationships with the Association Leibniz Israel, the Leibniz Society of North America, the Latin American/Spanish/Portuguese Red Iberoamericana Leibniz, the Sociedad Española Leibniz, the Societas Leibnitiana Japonica, the Romanian Societatea Leibniz din România, the Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française, the Société leibnizienne d'Europe centrale and the Sodalitas Leibnitiana in Italy.
The Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft maintains the portal together with the four offices of the Leibniz Academy Edition of Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. This portal offers around 20.000 pages of edition texts, plus a cumulative case index (around 70.000 files), a cumulative index of persons (around 30.000 files), a cumulative index of texts (around 20.000 files) and different other options for research.
So far, the society has set up ten international Leibniz congresses, and in co-operation with different partners it also organizes symposia about different topics: meeting places have been cities like Hanover, Nordwijkerhout, Brussels, Florence, Rome, Berlin, Basel, Brighton, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Triest, Paris, York, Rennes, Houston, Liverpool, Montréal.
Since 1969, the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft has been publishing the journal Studia Leibnitiana. This journal is dedicated to the history of philosophy and science from the 16th to the 18th century. Supplementa (40 so far) and Sonderhefte (55 so far) to this journal appear at irregular intervals.
In roughly monthly intervals the society gives public lectures about philosophical topics and other questions of more general interest.
Membership fees are 35,- Euros per annum for individual and juristic persons (17,50 Euros for pupils and students), and 200,- Euros for institutions.