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DONNERSTAG, 23. JANUAR 2025, 17.00 Uhr
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mehr lesenLH IV, 6:
Digitalisat (GWLB) | Arbeitskatalog Potsdam Blattzählung | Arbeitskatalog Potsdam Datum | Akademieausgabe-Reihe | Arbeitskatalog Potsdam Verlinkung zur Akademieausgabe | Personen- und Korrespondenzdatenbank / Arbeitskatalog Potsdam Titel | LK-MOW |
Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 1
LH 4, 6, 1, Entstehungsjahr: 1669 | LH 4, 6, 1a, Bl. 1-6 | 17050202 | 1 | Alphonse Des Vignoles sieur de Saint-Genies an Leibniz 1705 II 2 |
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| LH 4, 6, 1a Bl. 1-6 | 17050202 | 6 | 6.003 | Alphonse DesVignoles an L |
| LH 4, 6, 1b Bl. 1-5 | 17040000 | 6 | 6.003 | [? für L: Korrekturen zum Buch IV der Nouveaux Essais] |
| LH 4, 6, 1c Bl. 1 | 17040000 | 6 | 6.003 | [Hugoni ??] an [L] |
| LH 4, 6, 1d Bl. 1 | 17040923 | 6 | 6.003 | [Jaquelot] an [L] |
Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 2
LH 4, 6, 2, Entstehungsjahr: 1694 | 1-2 | 16940000 | 6 | 6.001 | [Reflexions sur l'Essay de l'entendement humain de M. Locke] |
| 3 | 16940000 | 6 | 6.001 | Sur l'Essai de l'entendement humain de Monsieur Lock |
| 4-5 | 16940000 | 6 | 6.001 | [Reflexions sur l'Essay de l'entendement humain de M. Locke] |
Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 3
LH 4, 6, 3, Entstehungsjahr: 1698,
Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 4
LH 4, 6, 4, Entstehungsjahr: 1698 | 8 | 16990000 | 6 | 6.001 | Ausz. aus Lockes Reply to the Biskop of Worcester... London 1699. |
LH 4, 6, 5 |
Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 6
LH 4, 6, 6, Entstehungsjahr: 1686 | 1-8 | 16860000 | 6 | Aus und zu Malebranche, De la Recherche de la vérité |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 7
LH 4, 6, 7, Entstehungsjahr: 1713 |
Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 8a
LH 4, 6, 8a, Entstehungsjahr: 1677 | 1-2 | 16770500 | 6 | De modo perveniendi ad veram Corporum Analysin et rerum naturalium causas. |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 8b
LH 4, 6, 8b, Entstehungsjahr: 1683 | 1r | 16830000 | 6 | [De modo distinguendi phaenomena realia ab imaginariis: Gestrichener Ansatz] |
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| 1-2 | 16830000 | 6 | De modo distinguendi phaenomena realia ab imaginariis [endgültiger Text] |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 9
LH 4, 6, 9, Entstehungsjahr: 1688 | 1-4 | 16880000 | 6 | Specimen inventorum de admirandis naturae Generalis arcanis. |
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| 5 | 16890300 | 6 | [De Systemate causarum occasionalium] |
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| 6 | 16890300 | 6 | [Si possibile est ens necessarium, sequitur quod existat] |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 10
LH 4, 6, 10, Entstehungsjahr: 1677 | LH 4, 6, 10a Bl. 1 | 16771000 | 6 | [De linguarum origine originali] |
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| LH 4, 6, 10b Bl. 1 | 16800100 | 6 | Linguae philosophicae Specimen in Geometria edendum. Januar.1680. |
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LH 4, 6, 11 | 1-2 | 16770000 | 6 | [La vrai methode] |
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| 3 | 16820000 | 6 | Principium inveniendi |
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| 4 | 16821100 | 6 | Regula inveniendi |
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| 5-6 | 16830000 | 6 | Methodus docendi [una popularis altera scientifica perfectior] |
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| 7 | 16690000 | 6 | 2.052 | Aus und zu der Appendix practica von J. J. Becher (Methodus nova Didactica) |
Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 12a-e
LH 4, 6, 12a-e, Entstehungsjahr: 1683 | LH 4, 6, 12a Bl. 1-3 | 16830000 | 6 | De Synthesi et Analysi universali seu Arte inveniendi et judicandi |
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| LH 4, 6, 12b Bl. 4-5 | 16780000 | 6 | De usu Artis Combinatoriae praestantissimo qui est scribere Encyclopaediam |
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| LH 4, 6, 12b Bl. 4r/v | 16780000 | 6 | De Arte inveniendi in genere |
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| LH 4, 6, 12c Bl. 6 | 16750000 | 6 | 3.049 | De arte inveniendi |
| LH 4, 6, 12c Bl. 6 | 16750000 | 6 | 3.049 | De arte inveniendi |
| LH 4, 6, 12d Bl. 7-8 | 16740907 | 6 | 3.046 | Schediasma de Arte inveniendi Theoremata |
| LH 4, 6, 12d Bl. 7-8 | 16740907 | 6 | 3.046 | Schediasma de Arte inveniendi Theoremata |
| LH 4, 6, 12e Bl. 9-13 | 16880800 | 6 | Projet et Essais (pour arriver à quelque Certitude pour finir une bonne partie des disputes, et) pour avancer l'art d'inventer. |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 12f
LH 4, 6, 12f, Entstehungsjahr: 1678 | 1-2 | 16760800 | 6 | 3.023 | Collectanea de inventione et studiis generalibus. (Collectaneorum de inventione pars I) |
| 4 | 16870000 | 6 | [Demonstrabilia calculo circa tempus atque ordinem] |
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| 5 | 16850000 | 6 | [Aus und zu Cordemoy, De corporis et mentis distinctione:] Ex Cordemoii tractatu De corporis et mentis distinctione |
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| 6 | 16780000 | 6 | Aus und zu Mariotte, Essay de logique [Paris 1678]: Auszug |
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| 8 | 16830000 | 6 | [De natura sive analogo animae] |
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| 10r | 16761200 | 6 | 3.084 | Definitio Dei seu Entis a se |
| 11 | 16790000 | 6 | [Definitio generis per speciem] |
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| 12 | 16830000 | 6 | [De resolvenda notione extensionis contra Cartesianos] |
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| 12 | 16850000 | 6 | [De resolvenda notione extensionis contra Cartesianos] |
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| 13 | 16850000 | 6 | [Aus und zu Cordemoy, De corporis et mentis distinctione: De machina animata] |
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| 14 | 16770000 | 6 | [Notae plerumque metaphysicae] |
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| 15 | 16770000 | 6 | Anima quomodo agat in corpus |
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| 15 | 16780000 | 6 | Anima quomodo agat in corpus |
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| 16-17 | 16770400 | 6 | [De thematum tractatione] |
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| 18(v) | 16870100 | 1 | 4.507 | an Joh. Heinrich Koch |
| 18r | 16860000 | 6 | [De munitione contra animi dissipationem] |
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| 18r | 16850000 | 6 | [De munitione contra animi dissipationem] |
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| 19 | 16790000 | 6 | De principiis |
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| 20 | 16771000 | 6 | Collectanea tentamen Wilkinsii de charactere universali concernentia: Notae criticae circa radices, praepositiones et conjunctiones |
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| 21 | 16790000 | 6 | [Elementa veritatis universae] |
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| 22 | 16820000 | 6 | [Materiam et Motum esse phaenomena tantum] |
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| 23 | 16760000 | 6 | 3.053 | Sur les premières propositions et les termes |
| 25 | 16840000 | 6 | De Analysi veritatis et judiciorum humanorum |
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| 26 | 16770000 | 6 | [Revocatio qualitatum confusarum ad distinctas] |
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| 27 | 16820000 | 6 | [Ad praefationem elementorum veritatis aeternae] |
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| 28 | 16790000 | 6 | [De Methodorum syntheticae atque analyticae utilitate] |
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| 29 | 16901000 | 6 | Discours sur un Plan nouveau d'une science certaine (pour demander avis et assistance aux plus intelligens.) |
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| 29 | 16880800 | 6 | Discours sur un Plan nouveau d'une science certaine (pour demander avis et assistance aux plus intelligens.) |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 13
LH 4, 6, 13, Entstehungsjahr: 1686 | 1-2 | 16860000 | 6 | [De principiis praecipue contradictionis et rationis sufficientis] |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 14
LH 4, 6, 14, Entstehungsjahr: 1710 |
LH 4, 6, 15 | 4 | 16841200 | 6 | De praemissis convertibilibus |
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| 5 | 16841200 | 6 | De modis syllogisticis primariis atque secundariis |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 16
LH 4, 6, 16, Entstehungsjahr: 1673 | 1-2 | 16730000 | 6 | 3.010 | De vera methodo philosophiae et theologiae ac de natura corporis |
| 1-2 | 16750000 | 6 | 3.010 | De vera methodo philosophiae et theologiae ac de natura corporis |
Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 17
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 18
LH 4, 6, 18, Entstehungsjahr: 1682 | 1 | 16820000 | 6 | [Praefatio operis ad instaurationem scientiarum] |
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| 2 | 16861000 | 6 | De cognitione |
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Leibniz-Handschriften zur Philosophie LH 4, 6, 19
LH 4, 6, 19, Entstehungsjahr: 1678 | 1-4 | 16820000 | 6 | Schenckelii Methodus latinam linguam discendi et ars memoriae |
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| 8 | 16820000 | 6 | Versus Memoriales Grammatici |
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| 9 | 16820000 | 6 | Hofmanni Lexicon universale(, maxime nominum proprium) |
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| 10 | 16780000 | 6 | Artificium didacticum |
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| 11 | 16780000 | 6 | Exercitia ingenii |
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| 12 | 16780000 | 6 | Loci communes |
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| 13 | 16820000 | 6 | De propositionum primariarum obscuratione |
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| 14 | 16850700 | 1 | 4.589 |
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| 15 | 16800000 | 6 | Didactica |
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| 16 | 16820000 | 6 | Aus Adam Bruxius, Simonides redivivus |